We are now taking seasonal flu bookings for the over 65 year olds. These clinics will be held in late September. Please call the surgery to book your appointment.
Flu season is back!

We are now taking seasonal flu bookings for the over 65 year olds. These clinics will be held in late September. Please call the surgery to book your appointment.
The practice will be closed on Monday 31st August. Please ring NHS 111 for any non emergency problems and 999 for emergency’s only. Thank you.
Face Masks and Exemptions, Please follow the link below to see how to get an exemption. https://www.gov.uk/…/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-ho…
As from the 24th July if you are attending the surgery you will be required to wear a face mask
Healthy Start flyer 2020
Please take a look at our eat well guide from Wellbeing Exeter and see if your ‘eating the rainbow’ Eat Well Guide Leaflet
GP Young People Referral Info
From 6 July: You may, if you wish, meet in a group of up to 6 people outdoors, including people from different households, while maintaining strict social distancing; You no … [continue] Major changes to shielding and social distancing
In order to help patients practice social distancing, you can access many NHS services online. For more information on how to get help from home, please visit the … [continue] NHS Health at Home
We are still only inviting patients into the surgery if a face-to-face appointment is essential, however if you are asked to come in, please consider wearing a face covering. Public … [continue] Face Coverings
Food Deliveries Free Food Directory 03.06.20
Transitions Workshop signup form
Parent Advice Line Devon Family Advice Line 01392 949059
Everyone Welcome! Sunday and Wednesday mornings 10:30am. come and join 5 others for a chat and a few singsongs. Meet by the benches in Belle Isle Park. Booking essential. Text … [continue] A cosy meet-up in the park
Managing Anxiety – talkingtochildrenreturntoschool
Carers Week 2020 Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout … [continue] National carers week
Here are some amazing heartening stories. Together Wellbeing Directory – IsolationTogether Wellbeing Directory – Isolation https://news.exeter.gov.uk/exeter-community-wellbeing-update-enjoying-the-outdoors-safely/ Together Wellbeing Directory – Isolation
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and in line with this year’s theme of “kindness”, PHE will be encouraging people to be kind to themselves by taking action to … [continue] Mental Health Awareness Week
HM Government has created a new campaign, in line with the new advice, explaining the actions we all need to take to support the Government’s strategy. A suite of these campaign … [continue] Important message from PHE
Please follow the links below to see some exercises recommended by physios. https://videos.torbayandsouthdevon.nhs.uk/physiotherapy https://www.csp.org.uk/conditions/managing-pain-home
If you’re an essential worker who is self-isolating (not able to leave home), you can now apply for you and your household to get tested for coronavirus (COVID-19). Follow the … [continue] Testing for key workers
Follow the link to download the Young Devon wellbeing toolkit, with tips, tricks and techniques for maintaining positive mental health during lockdown and beyond: Young Devon Wellbeing Toolkit
Download a community action response flier: 5 Ways to Help
For the latest Coronavirus updates please click the link – https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public
Due to the latest Coronavirus advice, our Doctors have moved to a telephone triage system. If you need appointments please speak to our Admin team, the Doctors will return your … [continue] Telephone triage
https://nosycrowcoronavirus.s3-eu- Please follow the link to read the coronavirus book.