ISCA Medical Practice

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

March is Ovarian Cancer Month. Ovarian cancer affects the ovaries that store eggs in order to reproduce.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer could include:

  • A swollen tummy or feeling bloated.
  • Tenderness within the stomach
  • no appetite or feeling full quickly
  • needing to pee more often
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation or Diarrhoea
  • Back Pain
  • constant fatigue
  • loosing weight without trying
  • bleeding from the vagina, after the menopause.

You are at higher risk of developing ovarian cancer if you:

  • inherited a faulty gene such as the BRCA genes
  • have had breast cancer or bowel cancer
  • had radiotherapy treatment for a previous cancer
  • Have endometriosis or diabetes
  • Started your periods at a young age or went through the menopause late or not had children
  • are taking HRT (Hormone replacement therapy)
  • Are overweight
  • Smoke.

Call your GP today if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, and have concerns or worried.