Covid Vaccination Update 🙂
The last few weeks have been a very busy time for Isca Medical Practice and the Nexus PCN as our efforts to vaccinate all the over 80s population continued and will continue this week.
In addition to this, our doctors and nurses are working quickly to get into each local Care Home to get the first dose to every resident as soon as possible.
We continue to have deliveries of vaccines and will be working hard to get through all our patients following the priority groups set out by the government.
We will be in touch with you when it is your turn – we politely request that you do not call the practice about your vaccine as this blocks the phone line for patients that really need help.
We are aware that many patients have also received invitations from the NHS England Mass Vaccination Program. This is a great step towards offering more people access to the vaccination
This DOES NOT mean that your Practice has crossed you off their list. You WILL definitely still be invited when your turn arises. In this way, you now have two options when deciding how to get your vaccination
We are working hard to deliver the vaccines to those most at risk as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your patience.
The Partners of Isca Medical Practice