ISCA Medical Practice

Exeter University Mindfulness AccEPT Clinic

What is AccEPT?

The AccEPT Clinic provides evidence based psychological therapies to adults in the community who experience severe or recurrent mood disorders. The clinic is hosted by the University of Exeter, and funded by the NHS. Their mission is to develop, test and make accessible effective treatments for depression and other mood disorders.

They’re based in the Sir Henry Wellcome Mood Disorders Research Centre, a building designed and maintained to provide a pleasant, state-of-the art therapy centre. As well as working with GP practices in and around Devon they also work in close partnership with other NHS Services including Talkworks and Mental Wellbeing and Access Teams.

They currently offer an established treatment for recurrent depression (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy).

They also offer treatments for people with depression and bipolar disorder that are being developed as part of our Centre’s clinical research programme.

Therapy within the clinic is offered by a number of trained psychological therapy practitioners who are from a variety of professional backgrounds. Our practitioners all have specialist skills in the development, training and delivery of the relevant treatments.



Date published: 7th July, 2021
Date last updated: 13th July, 2021